

F  I  L  M 

Searching for Yoo -- YD Production LLC -- Uncle Sam

Red Dawn -- Wolverine LLC/MGM -- Drunk Officer

​Real Steal -- Dreamworks SKG -- Japanese Reporter #2 (scenes deleted)

T  H  E  A  T  E  R

The Rice Eaters -- KaniniFest by Moja Productions - Fan Gao

Zac Efron -- Token Theatre -- Wai (understudy)

Tacos La Brooklyn (staged reading) -- UrbanTheater -- Benjiro

At the Vanishing Point -- The Gift Theatre -- Martin Kinflein 

The Intelligent Design of Jenny Chow (virtual) -- Third Avenue Playhouse -- Mr. Marcus/Mr. Zhang 

Hummingbird (virtual reality theater project) -- University of Illinois at Chicago/Goodman Theatre -- Gerard 

Red Kite Treasure Adventure - Chicago Children's Theatre - Dad, Shopkeeper, Gong Gong

Cymbeline  - Strawdog Theatre Company - Caius Lucius

The Big, The Trouble and the Little China - New Millennium Theatre Company - Wang

The Three Musketeers - Lifeline Theatre - Aramis

The Ghost is Here -- Vitalist Theatre -- Torii, Announcer

12 Angry Men (Jeff Award Winner - Best Ensemble) -- Raven Theatre -- Juror #6

After the Quake -- Steppenwolf Theatre Company -- Frog, Katagiri (understudy)

Durango -- Silk Road Theatre Project -- Issac, Jimmy (understudy)

Gilgamesh (Chicago Humanities Fest) -- Silk Road Theatre Project -- Enkidu

E D U C A T I O N A L / L I V E   I N D U S T R I A L / T R A D E   S H O W

Falling Petals -- Erasing the Distance -- Jae Jin

PECO: Diversity Training -- Felicty Group/Imagination Theater -- various

Caterpillar: Understanding Diversity -- Felicty Group/Imagination Theater -- various

McDonald’s World Wide Convention 2008 (People Experience) -- The Right Brain Project -- ensemble

Social Issues Ensemble -- Imagination Theater -- various

C  O  M  M  E  R  C  I  A  L  /  I  N  D  U  S  T  R  I  A  L

Accenture industrial video -- Closer Look -- Dad

Foster Pride Digital Curriculum -- Governors State University -- John Yakamoto, social worker

Training Industrial for HCR Manor Care) -- RFG Prod., Inc./Hanson Interactive Mktg -- Luke Murayama, social worker

Devry commercial -- Devry Institute of Technology -- Dad (non-speaking)

Chicago North Shore Convention and Visitors’ Bureau Video -- Dreaming Tree Films -- Businessman (featured)

Bank of America training video -- Bank of America -- Bank of America Associate

"Where We Want to Be" (Industrial) -- Ronald McDonald Corporation -- Japanese focus group member

McDonald’s training industrial -- Ronald McDonald Corporation -- Customer

V  O  I  C  E  O  V  E  R

Unshackled! (episodic radio show) -- Various

Go For Broke National Educational Center (interactive museum exhibit) -- Various

Nintendo Animal Crossing Product Launch Video -- Belles Lettres Global Communications -- Voiceover

Wilburforce Stories (educational website) -- Central State University -- Narrator

P H Y S I C A L   C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S / M E A S U R E M E N T S

Height: 5'6" / Weight: 153 lbs / Eyes: Black / Hair Color: Black / Hair Length: Short

S  P  E  C  I  A  L     S  K  I  L  L  S

Accents – Japanese, English, Midwest

Languages -- Japanese

Martial Arts – Aikido (4D black belt), katana (sword), jo (quarter staff), tanto (dagger)

Other Physical -- running, stage combat, swimming